IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Red Oak Counseling recognizes both the importance of your mental health needs and the recent rise in COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin. Moving forward, all current and future appointments will be conducted over telehealth unless otherwise stated to allow for you to connect with your therapist without putting you at risk.

Please contact your insurance company before each appointment to verify if Telehealth coverage is still approved for your services. We hope to be open in the near future for your ongoing care and look forward to serving you.

A select number of clients will be seen in the office in accordance with medical necessity. This determination must be confirmed by your provider before booking. In order to obtain services in person and to help keep everyone (you, your family, our staff, and other clients) safer from the exposure you agree to comply with the following practices:

  •  You will keep your in-person appointment only if you are symptom-free.
  • You will take your temperature before coming to each appointment. If it is elevated (100 Fahrenheit or more) you agree to use telehealth, if insurance reimburses for telehealth. You will also allow staff to take your temperature before entering the clinic using a touch-less thermometer.
  • If you observe one or more of these symptoms (included but not limited to): cough with shortness of breath, severe headache, muscle/joint pain, weakness, or sore throat you agree to use telehealth if your insurance reimburses for telehealth.
  • You will wait outside or in a designated waiting area until your appointment time and no earlier than 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time.
  • You will wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when you enter the clinic.
  • You will adhere to the safe distancing precautions we have in place within the clinic.
  • You will wear a mask in all areas of the office (our staff will too).
  • If you are bringing your child, you will make sure that they follow all these protocols or make arrangements with your therapist should they be too young to follow protocols.
  • If you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for the virus, you will immediately let the staff know and we will then begin/resume treatment via telehealth.

We will continue to monitor the situation as guidelines change in the coming weeks and update accordingly. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact our administrative staff; Elm Grove 262-780-1020 or Oak Creek 414-215-7554. Our phone coverage hours will be 8-6 for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your assistance and understanding during this very unprecedented time. 

Thank you,
Red Oak Counseling

Our self-pay rates will soon be updated. Please contact our staff for more information.

COVID-19 Important AnnouncementClick Here